Felkoder 159 TBi
Published by Mats Elm on
- Detta ämne har 1 deltagare och 0 svar.
16 mars, 2019 kl. 10:11 #36239
God förmiddag!
Tacksam för goda råd/tips särskilt för Have engine checked meddeladet, typiskt att något sådant ska dyka upp när jag snart står inför en långresa…//Mats
Felmeddelande när bilen startas:
Problem 1:
Have engine checked, verkar vara ett felmeddelande som kan vara många olika problem om jag förstått det rätt.Problem 2:
Förmodligen en sensor för att parkeringsvarningen inte fungerar, har fått detta meddelande tidigare när det varit fuktigt/kallt ute, kanske har gett upp nu.Läste av och raderade dessa 2 koder, startade bilen, felkoder/varningar borta
P0330 – Knock control 2 (cylinder 3 and 4) Signal low Stored
The ECU does not receive correctly the signal from the indicated knock sensor. Probably the harness is interrupted or a SC is present, or the sensor itself does not work correctly. Check the harness and connections condition and check the sensor functioning by means of an oscilloscope or a voltmeter in V/PEAK by beating on the sensor clamping screw.
NOTE: It is necessary to comply with the driving torque of the sensor since an improper torque may alter the sensor correct functioning.
The reason for this fault is that ECU has received very low signal from the sensor. The fault is not detected now, but it is stored in memory. Clear fault codes, and observe for future appearance of the same fault. Dashboard warning light was not activated for this fault.
Fault status: Signal too low
Engine temperature: 45,0 °C
Engine speed: 2040 rpm
Engine load: 36,75 %
Air temperature: -39,8 °C
Throttle position: 9,41 %
Battery voltage: 14,318 VP0095 – Air temperature sensor (inside superch. Sensor(Signal high Fata Light ON
Sensor or connections faulty
The reason for this fault is that ECU has received very high signal from the sensor. The fault is present now. Take appropriate action to fix this sensor fault. Dashboard warning light was activated for this fault.
Engine temperature: 75,0 °C
Engine speed: 840 rpm
Engine load: 38,25 %
Air temperature: -39,8 °C
Throttle position: 4,31 %
Battery voltage: 14,224 V159 TBi Ti SW -11 & 156 JTS SW -02
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